Blinky on Alchitry CU
Let's go from an empty setup to a functioning blinking LED on an actual FPGA! Blinking an LED is a time-honored tradition of demonstrating that you can go from source to somehting that understands the hardware it is running on.
Mise en Place (Prerequisites)
Hardware projects can be a little more complicated than pure software ones. So let's look at the prerequisites for this tutorial.
The FPGA board
In principle, all you need is an FPGA board with an LED that you know how to program. There are a number
of hardware specific bits and pieces that you need to get right for RustHDL to actually work on you device
of interest. In particular, knowing what FPGA is being used is not sufficient in and of itself. You
need to know how it was configured and connected to make it do things. In any case, for this tutorial,
let's start with the Alchitry Cu board. It's reasonably inexpensive, very well constructed and designed, and generally available. But adapting this tutorial to other boards is quite straightforward. Here is a pic of the Alchitry board .
The host OS
With the exception of Yosys, I do not know of FPGA tooling that runs on Mac OS X. So I would recommending using either Linux or Windows for now. This tutorial will assume Linux (and comfort with the command line). The exact Linux distribution doesn't matter per se, but the host OS will need to provide tools that Rust does not. And those will require the host OS package manager to be involved. For now, I've picked an Ubuntu distribution.
Rust basics
I would say that RustHDL requires basic
understanding of how to code in Rust. If you are comfortable with
- Strong types
- Algrbraic types (enums)
- Matching
- Basic expressions
- Value types
You should be good to go 👍. You do not need to worry about lifetimes, references, or any of the more intermediate concepts. I strongly recommend this not be your first experience with Rust. That should come from the book. Once you have gotten an handle on that, this should all seem quite simple.
I will assume, for example, you have already installed cargo, rustup, rust, etc.
Code Editor
This is important! Let's face it. Generally, IDEs for HDLs are pretty rough. There aren't enough HDL users to really stimulate the ecosystem and get focus on good tooling. This is not the case for RustHDL! RustHDL uses Rust's syntax, and the analysis tools are capable of understanding most (if not all) of what RustHDL does under the hood. As a result, you get great features like
- code completion
- syntax highlighting
- warning and errors
- go to definition/declarations etc
even inside your HDL code! You can even use vim
or emacs
with these tools if you want to. To me,
the ability to piggy-back 🐖 on the broader community for things like IDE support are one of the big
pluses of working in RustHDL instead of something more domain specific. If you need help getting
set up, this page from the vscode team is a great place to start.
FPGA Toolchain
Beware the slings and arrows of outrageous FPGA toolchains! There are many hurdles here, and progress is slow. Suffice to say things are getting better, but you may still need to deal with a legacy toolchain. The Alchitry CU uses the iCE40HX FPGA from Lattice, and it is well documented by Project IceStorm. Installation with modern distros is simple. For Ubuntu, it's
sudo apt install fpga-icestorm
Note that you need a place and route tool. The one originally used (arachne
) is no longer supported. So I went ahead and also installed the nextpnr-ice40
sudo apt install nextpnr-ice40
Ready Set Go
With everything in place, we can get started, and it will come together quickly. First, we create a new Rust project of the binary type.
samitbasu@samitbasu-virtual-machine:~/Devel$ cargo new blinky
Created binary (application) `blinky` package
Next, we add the rust-hdl
meta package as a dependency. You will need the fpga
samitbasu@samitbasu-virtual-machine:~/Devel/blinky$ cargo add rust-hdl --features fpga
Updating index
Adding rust-hdl v0.45.0 to dependencies.
+ fpga
We will also need the board support package for the Alchitry Cu board. So lets add that too
samitbasu@samitbasu-virtual-machine:~/Devel/blinky$ cargo add rust-hdl-bsp-alchitry-cu
Updating index
Adding rust-hdl-bsp-alchitry-cu v0.45.0 to dependencies.
Next, we need to replace the contents of
with the following
use rust_hdl::prelude::*;
use rust_hdl_bsp_alchitry_cu::pins::CLOCK_SPEED_100MHZ;
use rust_hdl_bsp_alchitry_cu::{pins, synth};
use std::time::Duration;
pub struct Blinky {
pulser: Pulser,
clock: Signal<In, Clock>,
leds: Signal<Out, Bits<8>>,
impl Logic for Blinky {
fn update(&mut self) { = true; = self.clock.val(); = 0x00.into();
if self.pulser.pulse.val() { = 0xAA.into();
impl Default for Blinky {
fn default() -> Self {
let pulser = Pulser::new(CLOCK_SPEED_100MHZ.into(), 1.0, Duration::from_millis(250));
Blinky {
clock: pins::clock(),
leds: pins::leds(),
fn main() {
let uut = Blinky::default();
synth::generate_bitstream(uut, "firmware/blinky")
That's it! Now to build firmware, we return to the command line
samitbasu@samitbasu-virtual-machine:~/Devel/blinky$ cargo run
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 15.74s
Running `target/debug/blinky`
The output directory firmware/blinky
contains our top.bit
firmware file, that we can flash onto the Alchitry using the iceprog
samitbasu@samitbasu-virtual-machine:~/Devel/blinky$ iceprog firmware/blinky/top.bin
cdone: high
cdone: low
flash ID: 0xEF 0x40 0x16 0x00
file size: 135100
erase 64kB sector at 0x000000..
erase 64kB sector at 0x010000..
erase 64kB sector at 0x020000..
cdone: high
Watch for blinking!
Needs a few emoji: 🎉🎈🦀, but most importantly, 😁!
Just the Verilog, Ma'am
It's possible that you just want the Verilog associated with your RustHDL design. In that case, you simply:
- Instantiate the struct so it reflects what you want for the top level
- call
on it to connect up the internal wires - Pass it to
that returns a string.
So for our blinky
example, replace main
with the following:
fn main() {
let mut uut = Blinky::default();
let vlog = generate_verilog(&uut);
If we cargo run
, we now get
[samitbasu@sparkle-squid blinky]$ cargo run
Compiling blinky v0.1.0 (/home/samitbasu/Devel/junk/blinky)
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.74s
Running `target/debug/blinky`
The output for the current release of RustHDL is:
module top(clock,leds);
// Module arguments
input wire clock;
output reg [7:0] leds;
// Stub signals
reg pulser$clock;
reg pulser$enable;
wire pulser$pulse;
// Sub module instances
top$pulser pulser(
// Update code
always @(*) begin
pulser$enable = 1'b1;
pulser$clock = clock;
leds = 32'h0;
if (pulser$pulse) begin
leds = 32'haa;
endmodule // top
module top$pulser(clock,enable,pulse);
// Module arguments
input wire clock;
input wire enable;
output reg pulse;
// Stub signals
reg strobe$enable;
wire strobe$strobe;
reg strobe$clock;
reg shot$trigger;
wire shot$active;
reg shot$clock;
wire shot$fired;
// Sub module instances
top$pulser$strobe strobe(
top$pulser$shot shot(
// Update code
always @(*) begin
strobe$clock = clock;
shot$clock = clock;
strobe$enable = enable;
shot$trigger = strobe$strobe;
pulse = shot$active;
endmodule // top$pulser
module top$pulser$shot(trigger,active,clock,fired);
// Module arguments
input wire trigger;
output reg active;
input wire clock;
output reg fired;
// Constant declarations
localparam duration = 32'h17d7840;
// Stub signals
reg [31:0] counter$d;
wire [31:0] counter$q;
reg counter$clock;
reg state$d;
wire state$q;
reg state$clock;
// Sub module instances
top$pulser$shot$counter counter(
top$pulser$shot$state state(
// Update code
always @(*) begin
counter$clock = clock;
state$clock = clock;
counter$d = counter$q;
state$d = state$q;
if (state$q) begin
counter$d = counter$q + 32'h1;
fired = 1'b0;
if (state$q && (counter$q == duration)) begin
state$d = 1'b0;
fired = 1'b1;
active = state$q;
if (trigger) begin
state$d = 1'b1;
counter$d = 32'h0;
endmodule // top$pulser$shot
module top$pulser$shot$counter(d,q,clock);
// Module arguments
input wire [31:0] d;
output reg [31:0] q;
input wire clock;
// Update code (custom)
initial begin
q = 32'h0;
always @(posedge clock) begin
q <= d;
endmodule // top$pulser$shot$counter
module top$pulser$shot$state(d,q,clock);
// Module arguments
input wire d;
output reg q;
input wire clock;
// Update code (custom)
initial begin
q = 1'h0;
always @(posedge clock) begin
q <= d;
endmodule // top$pulser$shot$state
module top$pulser$strobe(enable,strobe,clock);
// Module arguments
input wire enable;
output reg strobe;
input wire clock;
// Constant declarations
localparam threshold = 32'h5f5e100;
// Stub signals
reg [31:0] counter$d;
wire [31:0] counter$q;
reg counter$clock;
// Sub module instances
top$pulser$strobe$counter counter(
// Update code
always @(*) begin
counter$clock = clock;
counter$d = counter$q;
if (enable) begin
counter$d = counter$q + 32'h1;
strobe = enable & (counter$q == threshold);
if (strobe) begin
counter$d = 32'h1;
endmodule // top$pulser$strobe
module top$pulser$strobe$counter(d,q,clock);
// Module arguments
input wire [31:0] d;
output reg [31:0] q;
input wire clock;
// Update code (custom)
initial begin
q = 32'h0;
always @(posedge clock) begin
q <= d;
endmodule // top$pulser$strobe$counter